
Archange's Rules

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Archange's rules


Following rules apply only on Archange.

KS mobs:

KS mob is strictly forbidden on the server.
If someone KS your spot or your patrol, make screenshots.
You must be able to prove you were in the sport before the other person.
Don't hesitate to do screenshots when you arrived at the spot, and regularly during the time you stay there.
A return feather or other temporarily leaving of the spot is considering as a spot abandon.
When you are on the spot and you have a place in your group, if a person asks politely to join you, it will be good to take her in, it will avoid KS or other stuff.


The PK (screens are needed) :
The PK in Horizon East is considered like pk fun. 

The PK system is in Beta and is likely to evolve. However any behaviour that aims to play anti-game is punishable. For example, waiting for an individual eb for 5 minutes to destroy his farm or wait for a pk spot for chain pk can be considered as anti-game if this is repetitive.

The PK is allowed only in the Temple of the Lost Souls and on the Lost Island.

The authorized PK limit is 1 per person and at a time. It is the same for pets. In case of group PK, it is 1 PK for all members of the group.

PK at tp area are not allowed.




All insults will be punished by an account mute for several hours. If a person insults yourself, the server or anyone else, you just have to make a complaint with day and time of the facts.

All punishments are equal for Archange and Seraphin.


Anti-gambling (screens are needed) :
This includes what was said earlier about the pk.
Breaking up pop to destroy a dp (farm) is strictly forbidden. 

Book a spot by being afk is considered anti-gambling and the spot does not belong to the person afk.
Keeping a spot for more than 2 hours without wanting to leave it to other players is considered anti-gambling. You must either make a group or leave the spot. If you've been on it for more than 2 hours straight.

Modifié par Bakou

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