
General Rules

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General Rules

Introduction / General

These present rules must be read and known by the players. It will evolve during the adventure Shiva-Rappelz.

You are the only responsible for the acts produced by your accounts. The purchase and sale of accounts is prohibited.

We allow ourselves to delete/modify your data in function of needs.

The only languages accepted are : French and English.

Never disrespect a member of the Staff.

The inter-server trade is prohibited.

Multi-accounts are prohibited (Only 2 accounts are allowed). To be able to play in family (begin to 3 accounts) please inform a member of the Staff.

You can only have the two accounts permanently connected to buff you in town or stay in the shop.
No other use of two accounts connected simultaneously is authorized.

The Staff can punish you for a reason that's not in the chart.

I. The Website

Donations are not refundable.

Shop purchases can be refunded unless abused.

II. The Forum / TeamSpeak

The flood is of course prohibited.

Identity theft is also prohibited

All inappropriate behavior (vulgar*, discriminatation, taunt, pub, harassment, nickname alluding to sex or insult) is also prohibited.

You can't answer to a complaint except you are the offending player, the complainer or eventually a witness visible on screens.

III. In game

The rules of section II are applicable in game.

Any attempt to gain an advantage over another player using software or others illegal methods is prohibited.


*Abreviations aren't authorized anymore.

Modifié par Bakou

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